Thursday, July 16, 2009

July 14th updates

Hi from Hope! Don’t know that I have too much to report except everything is fine. We have had a good experience with the American team. We will, however, be glad to be back to “just us” and our Ghanaian support staff tomorrow. I’ve lost track of how many blocks we have moved and how many headpans of sand and how many buckets of water. We have learned the Ga word for Bucket (groga) and Pull (blamo-I think that sounds like a batman word every time I hear it. We hear it a lot, since we have to pull all the sand and water upstairs with our Canadian pulley (with Ghanaian improvements). We have had a couple of great visits with Emma. Paul and Andrews came to see us today. ODK asked “Where is Nadia?” When I told him she was home earning money for school, he said “I wish I was seeing her here today” (You can cry here now, Nad) We went to Dan and Betty’s new church on Sunday. It is much bigger and only has half walls and a roof. I love worshiping that way. It was just as loud, but the open walls helped a lot. Beulah and Philmore are still cute and Juanita’s family is beautiful of course! The whole team got up and danced. It was fun!!!!!!!!!!!!! We had fufu for lunch today. We got to help pound it. Isaac was so excited, he had 3 helpings. Everybody liked it. For breakfast we had millet porridge. I was the only one that liked. I will get off now. Megan had an exciting day and wants to tell you all about it. God Bless.

Hey Gang, Megan here, hope your all doing well. Long time since I have posted a blog and I have lots to talk about – went and swam in the ocean on our first sunny day since we have been here ! It was great, definitely salty – like actually tastes like real salt which I was not expecting, burns the throat and the eyes after a while – but the waves are so huge that I didn’t care at all..
I went to my first Ghanaian church service on Sunday and it was awesome- there’s drums, guitars, microphones, clapping, dancing, singing –the whole nine yards, it was great - can’t wait to go this Sunday. The American team showed up on Sunday night and there’s something like 45 of us staying in the compound right now – meal time is definitely crowded - they brought a projector with them and last night some of us watched “The Nativity Story” in the village. It was so cooooool, sitting on dirt with all these Ghanaian children & adults who are fascinated by this big screen movie. There was a little girl sitting next to me and she was staring at me for the longest time, with these big wide bug eyes and eventually she just reach over with her cute little hand and pushed my bangs out of my face. Her name was Elaina and it was adorable! Everybody in the crowd clapped when Jesus was born!! which sent chills up my spine - when Mary was having her baby in the movie a lady was yelling “push Mary”, last night was definitely one of the best nights so far.
This morning I got to travel to a nearby village called Lagoma* And work with two nurses at a well baby clinic, it’s really hard to describe this experience over the internet cause I need to show you pictures, at first I was afraid to take pictures but I asked the nurse and she said it was a good thing to take pictures because the mothers like it, and it encourages them to come back next time – because they like getting their picture taken and it might happen again. I got some good shots and I can not wait to tell you how they weigh their babies – it is so different. I didn’t get to give needles, mostly I wrote stuff down and gave the babies medicine. … I’m still having fun and I have much more to talk about, I’m keeping a journal so I’ll be able to remember everything. I love it here, and the food is still pretty good – can not wait to eat CHEESE when I get home & see everyone. Tell Blake to write me already & Danae I will be emailing you personally with all my information, look for it in hotmail from Daryl Stogryn – we have to do it via email cause I have to give you personal info … thanks a lot for doing this .. tell every one -I say hey & hey mom not sick yet, and hope your starting to miss us already how’d coffee go with you know who? (Blake and fam if your reading this hope ur doing good talk to you guys soon, t-3weeks+ already,crazy) oh and Dad & Pam… a hand made hat I’ll try probably a hand made shirt or a pretty painting? Thanks for all the messages we really like to have that little bit of home … miss you love you talk to you soon. PS “Don’t let the bed bugs bite” is a literal expression here !! Love all of you – later … Megs…

Hey ya’ll…Chelsey!!
How is everybody doing?? Hopefully like always I hope everyone is well and enjoying July in Canada. I can almost guarantee that you are having warmer weather then us. Although it is very humid here, we are getting a lot of overcast and rain still. The last post I wrote was wrote like 3 days ago but are being posted at the same time, so I cant really remember what I said so sorry if I repeat.
We finally got to go swimming and it was like eating a pound of salt (I think I already mentioned that though) Tomorrow we don’t get a day off but we are working till noon, lunch and then we are booking the bus so that we can go to the beach. But this time we are going to a private beach near a resort so its going to be sweet.
Then we have church in the afternoon and the cool thing about this church is that the first time we went we had church in the dark and I guess we are doing that tomorrow night too. They will have music this time too. We went to a church Sunday morning that is like no church you have ever been to before. They play music and we all got up dancing for a good ten minutes. Its all on video too so you will get to see. It was so much fun. It was very long….9:30 till 2 but I mean it was different so.
Today I got to travel with two nurses names Lydia and Patricia to another village to do a baby clinic. It was an awesome experience. We didn’t get to do much but we watched them give polio vaccines and the booster needle. We got to weigh the babies and it is the cutest thing ever. And the bigger children have to stand on a scale like we have at home and its funny because some of them are terrified of it. Its cute. It was defiantly an experience that was good to have.
The Americans came and they are leaving tomorrow. Its been fun. They put on a movie last night that some of us went down to watch in the village. Kinda like the drive in. A lot of Ghanaians around and of course I was in the back row so I couldn’t see that much. I moved around a lot to see through people. Like under their arms lol. Makes sense considering its me. But hope everyone is great. Supper is ready so. Heya to Mom, Dad, Karli, Owen, Family and the Colbornites!! Love and Miss you all so much. Thinking about you all the time!! Kiss kiss xoxoxo <3 Chelsey ;)

Hey again its Alexas ..
I have no idea how many messages I have sent because I don’t know what has been sent out to you guys and what hasn’t and I think Daryl is a little unsure too…so I don’t know where you guys are at in my Ghana adventure.
We went to the beach that was really awesome but who knew that salt water was actually that salty because I didn’t until a huge mouthful caught me off guard…but the waves are awesome! And so much fun.
We watched a movie about the birth of Jesus last night in the village.. (the American team that is staying at the centre with us hosted it in the village) I almost decided not to go but Jack said that he would come down with me so we could walk back but then we both ended up glued to the same spot the whole time. It was really weird because I kept forgetting that we were in Africa and then you looked around and there was just so many people watching the movie…and everyone started clapping when Jesus was born – it was really unexpected but everyone started doing it.
We fixed the ruts in the road today because everything is really washed out from the rainy season and that was…. neat. I got to use a pick-axe? Does that make sense? Point is that I felt super strong.. lol smashing concrete blocks..haha…
Dad – a hand made hat…lol I haven’t seen anyone doing that but I will keep an eye out and you in mind -that’s funny. Mom miss us yet?..i bet… lol – or maybe its just me cause im half way across the world - so if you could keep the messages coming that would be great because it’s a little lonely over here even if I’m with 18 other people.. lol plus 22 from the 5 that live here lol plus the 4 cooks .. haha… lol I guess I just love my family.. lol. [Danizzzleee sorry about the shout out .. I just assumed that you knew you were always on my mind and that I didn’t need to tell you… I LOVE YOU forverrrr and ever:).. lol will you do me a fav? Hahaha and txt AV asap - and tell him that I have been writing on here and he better have written or write back cause I want to hear from him! ) lol thanks you’re the best sister ever.
And mom/grandma/dad will you please call the credit union and make me an appointment for the mon/tues when I get back which I believe is the 11 or something I need to get a student line so pleaaaseee do this and don’t forget I don’t have time to make and obtain the money by the time I get back so thanks and don’t forget --- my future is in your hands – and mom make sure that you are putting all my mail from laurier into a safe spot because I don’t want you to loose it – thanks …. and so cooool saw a scorpion yesterday! Lol scary but cool…anyways Jackem is wating for the comp. So I love you family you are the best.. I really miss u guys and the washing machine….my clothes are all so dirty because we hand wash everything and I suck at it but the cooks are teaching me the right way. LOVE YOU – talk to you soon :) xoxox Lex. and another thing .. danae will you get my sin number from blake or it is in mom drawer in her room and go onto th osap web site and print my signature pages and send them.. I couldnt get them to go off before we came and meg says you should do it .. thanks ttyl..

Jack here…
First and foremost Trae…Love yah and miss yah ;) thanks for sharing my little secret hah I guess I deserved that. Thanks for posting about me, hah you’re the only one who cares about me :( lol (minus you scott and Elaine hah). If there is anyone who knows me and is reading this (owe, trae, dar, jeff…whomever) could you please contact my dad and make sure he knows how to get on here, and maybe show him how to post on the blog, I would like to hear from him. Dad, hah you’ll be happy to hear some of the stories I got for yah, miss yah and hope all is well in the house. Looking very much forward to when I get to see yah. If you do figure out this posting on the blog thing could you please post what has happened with the leafs? Trades, signings, whatever really…I gotta know, it’s an addiction! Hah anybody really please post this for me.
Work is going great, long days and the sun has finally come out. I’ve made some really great friends here and think it’s going to be hard to leave. I couldn’t be happier that I’m here I think and I really feel like we are making a difference. Our team is doing great as a whole too, and the people in the village are really starting to get to know us and like us. We’re the Canadian Obruni’s! (hah white people). In any case though I cant wait to see everybody and miss you all. Havin a blast, don’t worry about me, im bein good and takin care. Anyhow, see you in August!
(PS it’d be nice to hear from some of yah’s…ahem Owe, Jeff…Im lookin at you two)

Hi Everybody, it’s Kim.
So here we are in week 2 … the week of longer work hours and much less time off and guess what? It is going really well, sleeping is much easier when you are exhausted! I am covered in bruises, scrapes and what used to be blisters but are now just holes in my thumb, finger and heals and the cold is still hanging on, but enough complaining, we are getting a lot accomplished and I have no shortage of things to keep me busy. Clinic has been kept very busy with bandaging and handing out aches and pain meds, but really we have been really quite healthy. Mentally everyone is doing well too, but you can pray for those who are having trouble sleeping, that can really take its toll.
Dawn, thank you for the blog post it made me smile. Jas, could you write me a longer post and tell me what you and the kids are up to? I would love to know if they are at home this week or hanging out with family or friends. I miss you all (I try not to think about it too much, but some days are harder than others). Please keep praying for us as the rain has stop and we are finally feeling the African sun … not only will I be ripped but I will also have really tanned arms (the only part that is not covered while I work). Jaymie and Matt please write me a post I want to know all the cool things you are doing …. Ok, ok Darcie is waiting for the laptop …. Good bye for now, Love Always k

Hello to all…its Darcie, wow so much has happened so far. Today I finally got to see Paul for the first time yah!! It was so great seeing him and catching up with him. Then Andrews showed up and was so great to see him as well. It has been a busy day lot of talking and laughing!! We got to play football, and for those Canadians that are reading this I mean soccer lol I actually played. Did we win no, did we do our best, yes, did a team of 8 years olds beat yes, defiantly yes! But it was so much fun. The food is getting better slowly, learned how to make fufu and I even made a little (more liked helped a little) Missing you all like crazy. Miss you so much ahmed slowly driving me crazy, everyone is reminding me of you and it just sucks that much more :( I miss talking to you and hearing your voice and hearing that you love me. Love you honey so much. Kiss kiss lol… heather: keep those boys in line or I will have to come back and hurt them and I will tell Andrews about clackers he will be so thrilled. Ang: you better!!!! Lol hope the date works out…mom hope you are well and Steve too and keeping busy.. give bear a hug for me..Carissa miss yah. Take care all until next time.

Hey all its Tania!!!
Well it’s been almost another week here in Africa. I have been working really hard smashing blocks with a pick axe, hauling sand, carrying bricks. You know that kind of stuff. We are doing really well with our construction project. I’m so ripped!!! We also played a game of soccer with the local school kids! It’s was about 35 degrees so I sweat like a true Obalu (white person)! I was also the only one on the team to injure themselves! Just a pulled muscle, it’s better now. The next game I will just be a cheerleader. On Sunday we took another trip into the city. The traffic is insane!! People are always trying to sell you things at the window of the van. Things like plantain chips, fan ice, flags, gum, towels, toilet paper, basically anything you can think of. It’s pretty cool. There are so many things to see I’m blown away by what people can carry on their heads! Dave you’ll like this…a car battery, chassis, and a rim just to name a few. Sharon there is an awesome seamstress in the village named Comfort, she makes all of our dresses using an antique Singer sewing machine! Megan women here carry their babies on their backs all the time and I now know how to do it too. I’ll teach you when we get home, if the boys aren’t too big by then. Adam, I saw a Ghanaian wearing a Slipknot t-shirt, sorry I couldn’t get a picture in time. I also saw a young guy wearing a Tim Horton’s visor, LOL. Cameron I saw a bat last night that was the size of a football! I miss you so much!! I think about you and Kieran all the time. Please hug and kiss Kieran for me and tell him that I love him and I love you too!!!
Mommy P.S. Nicole thanks for the Blog! I love that you are reading it!!

Melissa – heyy everybody! Ghana is amazing and gorgeous and friendly. The work is getting harder but in a good way. I don’t feel nearly as lazy/free loading as I did and neither do my muscles. Not sure when you guys will see this but I wanted to say very happy birthday to the brat and daddy (haha you’re old and cant bug mom now :P) I hope you 2 have great days. I love you both-yes even mark.
Love Melissa
Ps. hope the renovations are going well and without setbacks but so far with our house we don’t seem to be that lucky and remember I’m the first to use the shower and no I don’t care that you have to wait till I get back :) <3


  1. Hey Kim,

    Just finished the blog posts... you requested a longer comment hmmm ok. So first to the team you guys are awesome, the progress is tremendous, keep it up, be a history maker. Remember that you are NOT building a building you are building Hope, knowledge, trust, enlightment to a whole generation of ghanian and african people. So, make very day, block, shove, bruise, 4 letter word that you sucked back into your throat count. go go snappy team... eat more chocolate!! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!
    Ok, now for Kim(the rest of the team may now take a 60sec power nap)
    Things are good here, you are missed terribly by Darbi, the folks at church, your parents, my parents, Dawn, Paul & Jen, Hunter & Darcy and of course the Three stooges living at 230 Gifford Dr.
    Ok, so Jaymie rocks, her BS(blood sugar all you non napping team members with your minds in the gutter,(Steve)) her average for the past 30 days is 10.9 with 6 lows.. she is good at knowing what is going on and I purchased her some new Dex 4 in gel form... of course she has used it already... yet another trip to go shopping my fav. Matthew is doing laundry and yes even folding your underwear.... he has found watching sponge bob really increases his productivity on this task. Matthew is also Dog man walking and feeding the dog even a brushing was seen this week. Jaym is our dishwashing, meal prep lady although I have found that salad can take up to 30 mins to make when both kids do it... interesting. Ok then there is me, just trying to keep from possioning anyone and to keep from getting arrested.( I have to do that sticker thing on the van) We delivered a bookshelf to Dianne & the kids with Bev & Art today. I did a dump run yesterday, recycling, Water runs, oh ya we do need to go to costeco everyday to buy 30lbs. of crackers for some reason. OK no new appliances in the house yet... but man that new Bullet express can create supper in 45 secs and it makes smoothies and it juices and is gets stains out of tee shirts... it is at least as good as sham wow or the slap chop... the evils of late night TV... So, the kids have been home with me this week, I took the week off. Paul & Jen had them last week, and your parents are on tap for next couple of weeks. Jaymie and I have another clinic visit on Tues maybe we will even see a Dr. wouldn't that be good. ok was this post long enough, are you know embarrassed about your long winded husband... can be.

    OK signing of my dear
    as you wish
    your Farmboy
    Kim please wake up the team now... I hope no one was listening to that part about your underwear... see you soon

  2. Hey Haley (and team)
    Ask Kim if someone is wearing her underwear in her absence. Why is Matthew washing them otherwise? Tell her we're SO happy to hear her daughter is doing well!

    I took the boys to see Harry Potter tonight. Devin said it was a bit "creepy". I know you're jealous BUT what you're doing is SO much better AND more important.

    I LOVE the pictures! You have a great photographer. Keep up the journal and write DETAILS. Don't forget to date it and make note of ANYTHING that impresses you at the time. You WILL appreciate it even if it seems a pain now. Everyone will write something different.

    Melanie Caco is here and was surprised by your absence and more so at the fact that you're in Africa.

    I don't know if you remember the Bowmans. They always go to our church when they're here and Jake is a friend of Alex (fishing derby champ). They're excited for you and have promised to pray for you all.

    I'm glad you finally got online as your mom has been going to the "bathroom" a lot and checking the computer on the way to see if there's an update. hehe.

    We miss you but are SO glad you're there and working hard. I knew you could do it! Keep up the good work.
    Lots of love, Aunt Jodi
    **silly me. I've looked at the map often enough. You'd think I could figure out you're not south of the equator!

  3. Hi Everybody :)

    Sounds like things are going well! Almost too good to be true. I am glad, keep it up! And everyone please eat an extra fanice or two for me... every day. :P

    Dear Mum Hope,

    Tell ODK I'm sorry I couldn't come! ... then send Mikaela. She can do it! She will also be extra cute while she's at it. :)

    Dear Little Sister,

    I... I love you? *nuzzles and hugs* post me a bloooggggg entry? *wide grin*... p... please? It might tempt me to call off Jaaaack! (...although that is a liiiittle unlikely :P)

    Dear Little Brother,

    Why for you stop writing silly man? You're good at that game, remember? *hugs*

    Dear Dad Daryl,

    Silly Daddy, pulling your back out! Do I need to set the ladies to watch on you to make sure you aren't working too hard? Hmmmmm?

    Dear Jack,

    *waves* I'm paying attention, promise! But I will be absolutely hopeless in telling you anything at all about the leafs... sorry :S

    Dearest Darlingest Kimmy, (:P)

    And by that I mean Kim Orchard, but little Kimmy could have as many hugs as people are willing to give her for me as well :) You are funny, and I like you, and I am very very glad it sounds like you are sleeping better this time. *hugs*

    Dear Everyone (Again),

    Please follow the following...

    Step 1: Everyone pick a partner (preferably one sitting directly next to you at this moment)
    Step 2: Wrap arms around partner
    Step 3: HUG!
    Step 4: Repeat steps 1-3 often.
    Step 5: Go down to the village and buy fanice from the fanice lady, and pretend you are me.... *shifty eyes*

    Many Hugs!


  4. Hi Tania
    It's mum, happy to read your last note you sounded more upbeat and enjoying the sights and experience. Many people in the church have been asking about you guys and the progress you have been making so thanks to Kaleb and Amber who help me get on this page I am able to report back to them with your news. Pastor Judy called me yesterday and asked me to tell you guys she continually is praying for you and Don - she has dial up so is not able to get the updates from your web site. She is going to be at next family camp so is going to come by and use my computer and get caught up on your news. All is well at our house. We haven't had summer yet so this has been disappointing but hey we go with the flow and the kids are still going to the beach and enjoying the water and the "rainbow park". Aunt Wendy and I have a date tonight to go to the auction sale and we are so excited it has been ages since we have had time to go. The car dad ordered the dealership has had a hard time to find one with all the options dad has requested with production shut down it has limited the supply. He is hopefull he will have it in the next week or so. I spoke to Adam this morning and Keiron arrived safe and sound back to their house for the next few days. They sounded quite busy on the phone with the two boys. Adam said they would come for a visit on Monday so I can see Keiron. I picked up a neat fold up stroller with a basket, cup holder and it lays back for Keiron - it will be great for your small car, Tania and easier for you when you have running about to do. Amber has decided to pursue being a florist. We paid her tuition this week. She feels confident that this is what she wants to do. She feels maybe when she completes this she may continue in business. This is all the news for now. We are looking forward to next family camp and seeing Cameron for the week, Wendy and Spencer are looking forward to having him stay at their place. Dad does not have holidays for family camp but did get another week in August which we hope to do some boating and maybe try out our new trailer.
    Well by for now, keep up the good work.....Love you and miss you. Mum
    PS The kids are beside me and Owen wants to say "I love you". Brileigh says "hi Tania, hi Don". (Brileigh lost a ear ring so will need that ear redone when you get home)

  5. Hi Haley and Sarah..... I am sorry I am so behind the times I just found this blog thing..... Hope you guys are having lots of fun and meeting some cute kids...... Haley I am so happy you are doing this!! LOVE YOU!!
    Love Melanie, Ariel and Obo

  6. Hey.

    Ok meg. no problem but ya you should probably send me the email soon. I think I will just call your school and tell them about the situation too cause on the forms when i was filling them out they said that they were do in june. so i want to make sure you didnt lose your spot or anything.. But email me stll like student # sin# and payments how you will make them and stuff..those were the main things I think.. I will txtd blake and tell him to get on here and read your posts asap. Terrible BF..LOL Joking.

    Lex. No prob trae is at a pow wow this weekend so I will call her on sunday night and get her to give me the info..What exactly is it that I need to print off?? And I txtd vantuzz and he said that he thohught that you only could write once. But he said now that he knows differently he will get to a computer asap. SO you should be hearing from him!!!

    Jack. I also care about you. I wrote you a msg on one of the first days that you posted. SOOOOO excccuse me ...Love you tons Miss you lots..If noone calls your daddio Ill do it for you. SInce noone but me seems to be keeping things alive over here..hahaha

    ANyways colborne gang. love you guys dearly. Sounds liek you are all having an amazing time. Cant wait to see more pictures and hear all the stories. I want to come down the weekend you guys are home/./What is the date so I can book it off work???? Be safe. keep the stories coming I love reading them. It was killing me when you guys didnt post for 3 days. :)

    Love Danizz..

  7. ONe more thing. LEx..just got a txtd from av. He said to tell you that he wont be near a computer until tomorrow so he wants me to tell you that he misses you too and he will write tomorrow!!!!! xoxoxo
    There my duties are done for now. talk soon

  8. Hi mom it’s matt telling you a couple things I learned like having 2 corkboards rocks sunburn on the other hand, not so much. Anyway I miss you and can’t wait ‘till your back. Lots of love Matt.

  9. Hiii it's Jaymie well hello to you all. Haven't done much ,oh I went to Silent Lake and got burnt to a crisp. And guess what I look like a ... BURNT JAYMIE!!!! I know this doesn't make sence! Well love you Mommm & everybody good luck and have fun in all you do.
    Jaymie Orchard

  10. hey everyone this is Kelly
    totally just found this blog
    hope you are having lot of fun and making new friends lol ummmmmm Isaac will you write something on the blog please
    miss you lots still praying for you all

  11. HI its av,, I MISS U ALEXAS.. danae jus txt me a copuple days ago and told me that you were able to write on here. i hadnt cheked it out till now cause i thought you only got to write once and im never around a computer. Thinkin about you every day tho. I got a car on the road so no worries about comin to see you :).. i Hope Africa is a blast.. there lucky to have you, summers suckin with out ya.
    How was the trip over there? Is Africa everything you expected?
    House still hasnt sold. besides today there hasnt been a showing in a while either. E n B r gettin close hah. i spend most my time in cob. works slowed right down but i mite have a new job lined up this week, fingers are crossed..

    How often do you get to write, ill be tryin to get on a computer more often to check.. miss u!!

    ps..i cut out ur horoscope from the first monday you were in africa, here it is

    You naturally are a giving person, sacrificing your own interests for the sake of an inner vision--what you feel is right. Today you may be guiding someone younger than you in matters of importance. You will certainly be pleased by the opportunities this day brings forth.

    .. stay safe.. sweetdreamin

  12. Hiya Kim,
    Don't get too bent out of shape......Jaym, really isn't crisp, just!!!!
    She and Matt informed me that they NEVER wore sun ......of course.......I always believe the Orchard children. She's fine though and doing very well,and we had a great day with Zoe, Evan,Klara, and Maryanne. It was the best day all week.
    Planted some shrubs by the side door at the church today and did some weeding . Have to water as I think you've been getting all our rain!
    We sure do miss you...we had Pulled Pork on Sunday with Jas. and the kids here........and I had no one to share a nice wine testing time with.
    Pam and David had CDs of their wedding for the parishioners on Sunday.
    Paul, Joe Ray and Fred Olsen got the speakers put up at the church more job done.
    I think Bev.. has finally found a med.. that gives her some pain relief,and her Doc. is lining her up with a surgeon to rid her of the cysts beside her vertebrae.
    Wish I could be there to help with your clinics....however the heat would likely do me in!!
    Who is that beautiful woman in the last photo we received? What a lovely smile and entirely lovely lady.
    We sure do miss you. Wish we were not going to be away when you return.
    Almost half way to coming home time!!
    Love you lots and you are all in our prayers.

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