The weather here is crazy - the rains keep coming and we are hearing many
reports of villages just west of us being completely submerged. Had some
prayer time with the team yesterday regarding this.
Our friends here are seeing water damage like never before - or at least a
very rare level of damage. Some are worried about their families in other
areas of the country.
We are fortunate - we are up high on a hill - and we can see the rain coming
for an hour before it hits. Sometimes, if the wind is just right it stays
just off the coast and we can see the rain over the ocean.
economically this ia a problem - many of our friends cannot fish, the seas
are too rough. We can work however and we do - hard.
Most of the team is very healthy - a few small issues - nothing serious but
of course that also means that nerves get a bit frayed. The training pays
off though - we can remind tthem that we talked about this and then work
things out.
They are a great team - keep praying for them...... Will likely be back at
this on Monday.
peace to all at home.

hey ghana peeps - most of you don't know me, but you can ask Kim or a Stogryn about who i am.
ReplyDeleteif you're feeling down and frustrated and you need a story about overcoming adversity, ask Daryl to tell you about going to the Elton John.
if you're feeling like the food isn't your cup of tea, i recommend the combination of cream crackers (which you can buy from the little stores on the streets), Ghanaian chocolate and peanut butter if you can get your hands on it.
if you're dutch/reformed - 2 things - today is John Calvin's 500th birthday and you're likely missing a giant celebration of everybody's fav french reformer (i personally have a massive crush on Luther, but that's a whole other story) and 2, see if you can get Kim's full name out of her. it will give you some fresh smiles.
if you're busty and the heat is "getting to you", get your hands on some baby powder.
suck back some fan ice for me and buy some chocolate off somebody's head while you're going through traffic.
love, peace, and prayers for all
Hi Melissa and team.
ReplyDeleteKeep up the great work. We miss you at home. Its great to see the pics. It looks like hard work but you seem to have time for fun as well.
The first week seems to have gone by fast. We are tiling the last room tonight and tommorrow so should be back in the room next weekend. Hope it will all be done when you get home.
Everyone is fine here. We are taking Aunt Julie out next week to the Cobourg ghost walk for her birthday and Mark is looking at his paintball stuff for his.
4 weeks to go. Keep your head and spirits up you're doing a great job.
Dad, Mom, Mark and all the mutts
Hello from the Weese's! We're glad to hear that things on the work site are coming along. Each block heavier than the last? Rubber arms? I remember! About the rain though, it concerns me a great deal for the people there. Wish there was something we could do! OH, Yeah...pray! Lawrence says he'll make sure everyone at St. Paul's is up to date for prayer concerns. If there are any others, make sure you let us know and we'll be sure to do what we can here. The road looks horrible. I guess so much for the burm, eh? How are you getting up the hill? Is that George still working his miracles with the bus? Wish I could pile in with all of you! Keep on working hard and treat yourselves with the care that Jesus would!
Penny & Lawrence
Dear Everybody,
ReplyDeleteWould you all tell Comfort and Samuel that they have the most beautiful family in the world?
Also, many many hugs to everyone. Is there anything we can do HERE to help peoples in Kokrobite who are being flooded out? Also, is Comfort's shop ok?
Much loves!
Hey Darc,
ReplyDeleteLooks like you guys are having a fun time! So guess what: I am going to see Public Enemies tomorrow night. I know, you're jealous. I will have to let you know how it is, but I can already tell you, it will be amazing. And I got my birthday present early from my family! A GPS system for my car so I dont get lost! Haha, I thought you might get a chuckle out of that.
Miss you and hope all is well!
It's so surreal looking at the photos, especially the ones with Megan and Alexas with the village children, who by the way are so adorable...give them hugs for us <'s truly amazing being able to experience this through all of you...thanks, and please take care LOVE YOU both Pam & Dad xo keep smiling we're all behind you :)
ReplyDeleteHey Darcie,
ReplyDeleteYour little brother came into the world July 9th at 2:44 am. Teagan William Chilton Richardson! He tipped the scales at 51bs. 1oz. He's a little honey....can't wait for you to meet him. Dad tried to send a message yesterday, with no success....hopefully I will have some luck today.
Sounds like you are having another great trip!Look forward to seeing some more photos.
Love & hugs from Your little brother!! xoxo
Dad, Care, and the boys!
love the pics!!! nice face haley :P i miss your funny face expressions <3
ReplyDeletesara you cant not make a funny face lol love it :)
cant wait to see more:)
love ya<3 zack
heh haley
ReplyDeletethe pics are great! you really look like your enjoying that ice stuff! Can you bring home some chocolate? Keep smilin and working hard! love ya lots and miss you!
Mom et all
Hi Chels its so sweet to see your smileing beautiful face we miss it so,but you look like your doing ok which is a good thing.You all look like your working very hard it will pay off in the end.The pics are great thankyou and we will pray for you all and the people of the village as well they are obvisously amazing people to half to live in those conditions and still keep a smile on there face WOW!We finally got two days in row of nice weather yeah Chelsey i hope your taking your pills like a good girl hee hee.Hope your getting some sleep honey stay strong and keep up the good work and very proud of you for doing your laundry you will have to show me that way when you get home lol.Big hugs and kisses to you and as well to Jack,Meghan and Alexas hi guys be good and love you all keep smiling.Love Mom Dad and Karli oxoxox
ReplyDeleteHey Meg its Blake. just figured out how to see what you pretty bad eh? glad everythings going good, must be a pretty amazing experience. Not to much new here, doing alot of hunting to pass the time. Start work with mikey B in a couple weeks i guess they got a huge house to start and need another man. thats sad about the girl wanting to go to school. just shows how much we take for granted. Love ya lots look forward to hearing from ya and take care of that wrist
Heey Alexas,Megan, and Jack .
ReplyDeleteHope you guys are all doing good and having lots of fun.Miss you even though you havn't been gone that long yet. Lex and Meg i vote on a Fam trip to crow river when you guys get back :)Anyways i hope you get this. Love you Lots my sibs :)
Such happy faces in all the pictures, which leads me to believe that the cameras are no-where to be seen when you guys are hauling the blocks and working your tails off!
ReplyDeleteSo - maybe you'd like to hear some frivolous stuff...
Stuff around here is pretty normal. The weather is finally getting close to summer-like, with the temperature finally getting up to about 28.
The news is still all about Michael Jackson's memorial. Getting a little sick of turning the TV on and seeing the same shots. Michael's daughter, Paris, gave a very moving speech about her father (really it was only about 3 lines long) but no matter what I thought about Michael, you can't help but pray for that little girl and her brothers. Heart wrenching, really. But after you've seen it 10 times, it starts to make your stomach twitch.
Any Nascar fans on the team? Tony Stewart recently wrecked Kyle Busch when he was passing him for first place on the last lap at Daytona. It was pretty gratifying for those of us who are NOT Busch fans. Ted says he's a new Tony Stewart fan now. LOL
Leafs fans? They recently signed Colton Orr on a 4-year deal, who had left the Rangers. They also signed Swedish goalie Jonas (The Monster) Gustavsson, they signed hard-hitting defenceman Mike Komisarek off the roster of the Montreal Canadiens, they signed Komisarek with a deal for five years at $4.5 million a season, and finally Toronto traded veteran Czech defenceman Pavel Kubina to the Atlanta Thrashers and returned 27-year-old hard-rock defenseman Garnet Exelby.
Hope that was informative for those who follow it.
We'll be praying for the flood waters to recede in hopes that distant family will be safe and local fishing can be resumed.
Take care. Still miss you.
Jennifer, Ted & Elizabeth
Hey Rachel,
ReplyDeleteIt is wonderful to hear the comments on this blog. It sounds like you're all having a wonderful experience. Rachel, I keep thinking about you. One example: I'm in the grocery store buying yogurt and I stop because I'm suddenly preoccupied with imagining what you're doing at that moment. Who knows how long I stand in that isle? in my mind, sometimes, i'm in Ghana with you. Those are very happy moments for me.
Take care and be safe.
(I like your bling-bling too)
Your sister, R.
Don & Tania - a letter from Grandma and Grandpa Craig.
ReplyDeleteYou'll be happy to know that Kieran settled in very well - he has been happy, active - Very Active - full of sparkle and laughter and very loving towards us. He likes to cuddle on our laps for his quiet times and off with an immense curiosity for the other 90% of the time. He is a joy to watch and we marvel at his skills to find out how things work, his memory and his dexterity. Of course he is our grandson and we may be a little biased! ;) He is eating well and has slept through every night. He wakes happy, playing jokes on us by kicking his feet and laughing when I am trying to change him. The teething seems to have subsided. You'll smile Don, to know Dad has had the penetan cream out dotting every mosquito bite.
He played with Jack on Sunday. Jack called him "Baby" and then said his name.
Keiran is staying with us an extra night and then to Meaghan's Tuesday to see Cameron.
Hpe you have settled in and all is well - We miss you ~Mom & Dad
A special PS:
Hi Mum and Dada,
Im being a very good boy - Grandma and Grandpa tell me so. They have gates everywhere. Im sleeping all night and like to jump on Grandpa in his bed. He gives me a high five just like dada and Grandma gives me lots of kisses. Ive been helping out - taking Grandpa's bread out of the drawer, finding Grandma's oven mits and checking out the garbage pail. I have also helped water the new Birch tree! I'm even trying to keep my Hat on when I'm in the sun.
I really Miss you
Kisses and hugs from "Handsome"
Hi Rachel, Sara and Haley!
ReplyDeleteWow--what an adventure! I look forward to reading more over the next little while.
Prayers for you and all your team out there!
Hey Brat(Sara)
ReplyDeleteI LOVE YOUR PICS, even though you are far away, we always have our facial contortions that will keep us close! LOL We are like the Top 5 baby!! Hope your doing well, I miss you but you are doing such a good thing so keep it up! I love you! Erin
Hello All (especially Sara),
ReplyDeleteRain must be the order of the day. We're getting quite a bit here too but not quite as concerning as over there. I guess you don't have to worry too much about sunburn for now. Great pictures! ! We can see Sara is doing fine as Sara still looks like Sara. Hope you had a relaxing weekend - a break from block lifting - and working with people. Any Soccer yet or is it too wet? Work is progressing at home on the hallway and your bed is gone Sara so enjoy the one you have there. We told Curtis he could have the makeup and jewelry as well but he wasn't interested. Auntie Helen says to remember she's praying for you and the rest of the team every day. Your team is well prayed for. We're off to visit Grandma and Grandpa today. We miss you - it's awful quiet at home. Kevin gets his apartment keys later this week and then it will really be quite. Keep up the great work. Love You, Mom
Donna here . Those pictures you sent were wonderful and I especially enjoyed the ones of Kimmy looking so grown up and Israel. Be sure to remember me to Samuel, Comfort and all. Worry about all the rain and hope you are able to get your clothes dried in time,as it's not like you have multi changes of work clothes.Like Ellen I wish I could be there with you all even in the rain but I continue to pray for you each one until you are home safely. hopefully with a great sense of accomplishment in all you,ve done. Hope your cold is getting better, Darcie. Great to read all the posts. You are certainly more prolific in writing than we were.
hello haley its beppe againthis is so amazing that i can connect with u across the world know that we r praying 4 u all and we love uu didnt get all the rain there we have a lot 2 but no washoutskeep up the good work and god bless
ReplyDeleteHey Darcie....Nice pants! lol...Missing you..Hope the weather is getting better for all there. Bear has been in a crazy mode since you left! Full of mischief. Steve says "Hey" again! Went to Ivan Jr.'s birthday party on Saturday in Sarnia and all the folks say hello and take care. I see Carissa got a blog on here to tell you of your brother's arrival. Congratulations! We had the first green beans out of the garden tonight..mmmmm were they good! Got some peas as well and a zuchinni. Tomatoes are still green. They might be ready for you when you come home! lol..Well hun, take care. Love you..xoxo Mom
ReplyDeleteFOR SARA!!! This is Kayla!
ReplyDeleteI just want to shout out 'hi!'
Nothing new to tell you, but I bet that you have a LOT to tell me! I am sooo excited for you! And I'm gonna miss hearing from you! I bet the weather there is WONDERFUL, opposed to here. As it is suppose to get warmer, it's getting cooler :(. ohhhh yeahh!! guess what?? i got $800 from my college. a bursary!! yeahhh!! and you know why?? MY GRADES!! (i bet your laughing RIGHT now!!) did you expect that?? can't wait to hear from you! oh, and you owe me a trip to Canada's Wonderland!! <3
Luv Kaylaaaaa <3
Hi Rachel, Sara, and Haley. I just figured out how to post a comment, you know how I'm technologically challenged lol. Anyway I hope you are all well and having a great experience. I think about you guys often and you are in my prayers. I wish I could tell you something interesting but everything's pretty quiet on the homefront. Anyway I look forward to hearing more about your trip.
ReplyDelete<3 ya Maura
hey anyoing big sis now as soon as u get home i want to know all about the scorpions that u have killed and Grandma says hi so sims3 has been awesome and i am sorry bout lumphe got in my way when i was shoting my panitball gun and the pool is nice and blue (good luck with the sharks) anyhow i have trashed up ur room and have sold ur cell phone and ur ipod that is how i got the money for my paintball gun and when u get home please hug mom i cant stand the crying
ReplyDeletec ya
p.s lucky is fine
but everything
else was
have a nice trip
Hi Steve
ReplyDeleteLoved seeing the pictures,especially the ones with you.Looks like all of you are working very hard.Hope the rains have slowed down and life can get back to normal for the people of Ghana.
We are back home now and had a great trip.David and Kate just left for a camping trip,near Sudbury.Everything else is great.Gibson was really happy to see us.
Hope you are well and we miss you.
Lots of love
Mom and Dad
SKIP THE KENKEY!! go for the banku.
ReplyDeletelove love
Dear Rachel and Everybody,
ReplyDeleteWe loved seeing all your beautiful pictures! We hope that the rains subside and people do not have to suffer because of them. Was it good or not good that Obama was there, and how was that? We hope you are all well, working hard, learning lots, and especially, having a ton of fun.
Finally I (Alice) was able to pick strawberries, and as every year, it was beautiful, with the smell of strawberries, the wheat fields blowing. I must say I did miss you guys; there were no strawberry fights, no strawberry eating, just picking and picking. It also made me fondly remember when you were little, Rachel--I looked around to see if there were any children with their parents, and there were, but they had all kept their clothes on. There was no sweet 3-year-old girl running naked through the strawberry patch.
I just finished the Toronto Outdoor Art Show; in spite of everything, including a violent storm, it went well, and now the summer begins.
Much love, mom and dad (Mark and Alice), writing to you on our 25th wedding anniversary.
Tania and Don
ReplyDeleteI have been able to read all of the blog messages to July 11th which give me an idea of what is happening. Also the slide presentation at your fall fund raiser, Tania, and the blog pictures helps me to visualize the compound. I even watched Obama’s visit to Accra to see what country was like. The extreme rain did not give you a good start but carrying blocks of cement helped everyone sleep soundly. It will be interesting when the American group comes.
Grandpa is doing fine. Dad took him to the Heart Specialist and he does not need to have a monitor implanted under the chest skin – if the heart starts to race, he is to go in immediately for a check.
I telephoned Cameron on Thursday – he sounded good. We were going to take him to a movie but they had planned to go to your Moms for supper and to leave Kieran with Wendy.
Tuesday July 14th: Elaine dropped Kieran off Sunday morning on her way to Church. It must have been an exciting weekend at Westley Acres as Kieran was very tired, and after having brunch went down for a four hour nap, early to bed and slept late. Yesterday he was a bit fussy and tired but today it is all giggles, smiles, jokes and tricks all rolled into a ball of energy. Dad marvels at his problem solving skills – he watches, studies the situation, manipulates and imitates and usually it goes his way. If not, he hands it over for help – no signs of frustration – he just knows he needs help.
We are off to car show in Syracuse so will be leaving Kieran at Meaghan’s on Thursday morning. Miss you, lots of love. Mom and Dad
Special P.S. from “Handsome”. I was eating my Special K and milk this morning when I felt like singing along with the radio – Patsy Kline. Grandma said that this was too stuffy and played a C.D. of children’s Music. We sang and danced together all around the kitchen.
I worked outside with Grandpa most of the day – we have a surprise when you come back home. Grandma was watering the flowers and I just wanted to feel the water but she sprayed me! She said she used to spray you Da Da when you were young. My nose is still running but no teeth yet, although one looks close. Grandpa keeps wiping me nose – I have never had my face washed so often in all my life!!
I really miss you but I am doing O.K. Sometimes I become sad when you are not here but there is always someone to give me a hug until I feel better. I had a really good day today. Kisses and hugs from Kieran
Hello Melissa! Just a quick note to let you know we're still thinking of you and hope everything is going well with you and your crew. We have been to see the family at Uncle Fred's and everyone asked after you and are very proud of you and what you're doing. I have given them the blog so we'll see if you get any notes. By the way, Mark has not destroyed your room (if he had,it couldn't have looked worse than how you left it) and nothing of yours has been auctioned off but the month isn't over yet. I think he was saying in his own way how much he missed you. We're taking Aunt Julie out for her birthday celebration and have just given her the blog address as well. Dad has gone to see Kevin. He went for further surgery on Tues., all is well so far but if you can keep him in your prayers. I saw Grace (who had a wonderful trip) and told her to send Kristina over to tell me that the colour I'm painting the walls are just wrong and that she needs money. Somehow I don't think she can say it quite like you and I'll still miss you anyway. Take care and hope to hear from you soon! Love, Mom. (and all the animals are OK even with the purchase of the paintball gun) :)
ReplyDeleteTo the three lovely ladies named Sara, Haley, and Rachel:
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love seeing the pictures!! It looks like you are all really enjoying yourselves. Haley and Sara, you had your typical facial expressions which made me laugh. And Rachel, the picture of you with your mouth open, taking in the rain water made me smile :)
I love the three of you!!
I just wanted to tell you to keep having a great time. I'm off to Europe (Rachel: "Oh, I"ll just be out of the country for a bit" HAHA!) and that will be the reason for me not posting anything.
Keep up the great work, and I'll keep you in my prayers.
Hey Guys,
ReplyDeleteI hope and pray that it's just internet problems in old Ghana, same ol, same ol. I also want to say that if there is a Chippy moment that there is a bunch of people praying for you!! God bless and looking forward to seeing new posts soon!
Your brother in Christ,
Hey Haley it's your favorite cousin Sarah!
ReplyDeleteI hope Africa is going amazing! It looks like a lot of fun and an amazing experience. I continue to miss you every saturday at the cottages, Can't wait to see you when you're back and hear all about it! Love you lots!
Hi Tania and Don: This is your Aunt from Toronto. Your mom dictated letters yesterday for me to put on blog and she will continue to do so ( we have to get her into this computer age ). Hope all is well there - such an exciting time for the both of you. Please know that your family misses you and that we are proud of the work you are doing there. Our very good friends from Toronto are currently in South America for their second time working to establish a school for the children there. They went last summer and felt it was such a wonderful experience that they went again this summer. The pictures are very interesting and I will keep checking the blog to see how things are going. Take care. Love Aunt Joyce
ReplyDeleteHi all, like Laurence we are hoping that you are only experiencing "connectivity" issues with the internet and not with each other...
ReplyDeleteKeep holding the phone up higher Daryl!
You're going to have a great time catching up with all of these posts.
Just wanted to let you know that the St. Andrew's family is all praying for you. I gave a short announcement last Sunday and several people came over to ask how you all were doing. So lots of prayers for desirable rain only, safe work, good eating, and not so much "running". God's love shines upon you from Florida. Our VBS winds down tomorrow, 40 kids, all learning the Lord's Prayer - it is spectacular!
Take care of one another, and keep those pics coming. Hope, I saw you playing with the baby and that just looked like too much fun.
Many hugs,
Ellen & David
Hey Haley!
ReplyDeleteWe miss you and keep checking for posts! things are going fine here, Dad put together the new bbq today and it is very big!! Hopefully it will fit on the patio he made for it. lol. The gift that has turned into one big make work project!
The Caco group is here and Melanie says hi :)
Last Sunday was our day off, it was windy and cool, we are the Griswalds you know! We went out for breakfast, alex opened the syrup container and got it all over his shirt. We took a drive around the countryside and stopped at Healey falls, the water was really moving, the boys had fun climbing the rocks while your dad fished a bit. Hope the group is still doing well, take your vitamins etc... and have fun!
Love ya lots Mom
Hey Haley and Sarah and Rachel!
ReplyDeleteHaley Don't waste your time missing people that's STUPID... Boys are stupid lol except for Jackson
ANYWAYS lol Jackson got a tooth!!!!!!!!!!!!! and HE ROLLED OVER and crawls on his back ITS SO FUNNY and cute and he looooves swimming its so cute you have to see it when you come home hes so cute
Africa looks like Cuba and I want to try some of that Tilapia it loooks gooood oh yeah I put away allll my fat clothes because IM NOT FAT yaay lol
anyways I love you have fun and don't miss people and be silly because I love you ok BYE
Don and Tania: A big Happy Birthday to Don! We will be thinking about you and missing you on Thursday.
ReplyDeleteI have Joyce helping me send letters and she checks for replies. She also summarizes the other messages so I can keep informed. My way of keeping up with technology.
We had a great time at the Syracuse Street Rod Nationals. There were over 7,120 cars registered. By going very early we had a prime parking space under the trees by the pond. Our 48 Chev. Truck received many nice compliments. I did a little shopping. I found a couple sets of P.J.'s for Kieren ( 24 mths size) One is green and white stripes with a green dinosaur - on sale of course. Kieran had a good day last Wednesday helping me pack. He is eating well and loves strawberries, blueberries and munched down a whole cooked carrot. We took him to Adam and Meagans Thursday morning and he was happy to see a little playmate. Be safe and keep yourselves healthy. God bless you. Lots of love. Mom and Dad