Friday, July 3, 2009

Family and Friends

Well today is the big day, the day we Fly out! I would like to thank you again for all of your support in getting us on our way. I would also like to mention that We would Love to get your comments while we are away ... although posting to the Blog is strictly for team members anyone can feel free to comment! They are an incredible source of encouragement/entertainment while we are in Ghana. We do read the comments out loud generally at meal times and so if you want to Drop a nickname into your comment that we can endlessly torture your loved one with Please feel free to do so!
Thanks Again, Kim


  1. praying for you friends as you head out.
    Africa will change you.

    love to you all

  2. Wishing everyone a safe and wonderful journey.
    Steves mom

  3. Been There - Done That - Even have the T shirt.
    Our thoughts and prayers are with you all, but especially our 4 adoptees - take care, stay safe and say hello to Patrick & Daniel for us.
    David & Ellen

  4. Hope your travel was uneventful, that your first night of sleep was restful, and that all is well with all of you. When in doubt - take a deep breath and remember that you are held safely in the palm of God's hand.


  5. Hello Hope and Daryl and Dee Dee (Chelsey) new family in Ghana just hopeing you all enjoyed your flight and that our chelsey buns enjoyed her first travel in the sky and that she did nt take the circulation out of jacks hand on the way up or maybe we should say jack takeing the circulaion out of chelseys hand . We are thinking and praying for you all can not wait to hear from you...Love Mom and Dad and the Grubner

  6. hope all is well can't wait too hear from you, special hello too Alexas Megan Chelsea and Jack.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hello everyone, Glad to here you all arived safe and well!! I've been checking the blog everyday so far can't wait to here an update!! you guys are awsome for do this I wish I could be there helping along with you:) -Alexas and Megan:I'm so proud of you guys!! It makes me happy to know someone from our family gets a chance to do something so important and so helpfull to others!! you guys are awsome. love you both. Britt-

  9. Hey Chelse and Others. So glad to hear you made it safe and sound. We are so proud of you Chelsey. Keep up the good work. It's chilly here for it being our summer so enjoy the heat while you can. Hope the head wrap is coming in handy. Love you .. Taylor and Chris say HELLO!
    Let's keep posted.

  10. Hello Darcie: Glad to hear you all got there ok. Sorry to hear you caught a cold, hopefully you'll be back to good health soon. The pics I've seen look great, you all look like your having fun, We miss you but we are all excited for you being there and look forward to seeing more pics and to follow along with everything thats going on. Talk to you soon. Take care. Love Aunt Kathy
