Saturday, July 4, 2009

Half way there..... word from Rome

I received a note from Daryl that they are in Rome...... and playing cards...


  1. Really nice to see an update. have a great second flight. (Love ya Sara)

  2. YAY! I think you should be there by now!

    Loves to all, and enjoy the weather for me!

    Also, would someone please give Comfort and Samuel and their beautiful children massive hugs for me?

    And Mikaela, tell Emma and Elizabeth that I am singing a song for them right now. Its a little jazzy... sorry. But I am thinking of them :)


  3. Hope you survived the 8 hour lay-over in can be a great way to pass the time!

    Don't forget the rest of us that are missing you and praying for you and the mission! (as I'm learning how to pray more effectively - thanks Daryl)

    Also, now that I am approaching the wonderful 12 week mark, I'm feeling less nauseous, less tired, and more energetic, which gives me more time to think about you guys out there.

    Missing all of you already, and praying for your safe arrival in Ghana, for wonderful and happy reunions with your "Ghana Family", and for spiritual and powerful experiences while you're there!

    Peace and (the greatest of all) Love


  4. "Maybe I would want to say, I have a new bike, have a nice trip to Africa and home from Africa, and I miss you and we're praying for you every night."

    "We're going to the Rodeo today!"

    Love Elizabeth

    P.S. These were exact quotes from Elizabeth to everybody. (She couldn't leave out the new bike part or the Rodeo part - LOL)

  5. Hey meg and lex ...and you think lifes hard up here ...take time to notice the little things its what holds the world togeather
    love dad and pam

  6. hey lex and meg its eliza i miss you and can't wait till you get home oh i was wondering meg how is it poseble to break your shoes.the bricks must be awfle heavy so that what ever you build doesn't get wreacked.oh alxeas brook clarey took you black billabong sweater for taking her sisters sweater hope you are haveing a good time oh knock on wood so your shoes don't break lol tell ever oe i say hi especialy chels and jack have fun hugs and kisses xoxoxo <3 meg alxeas eliza

  7. Hi Melissa

    We love and miss you very much.

    Hope all is well and you are having a great time. The cats have moved in to your room now that Mom and an entire construction crew have cleaned it up.

    Mark is still wanting to move in there but all we have done is put in his TV for you so far.

    We are enjoying the stories and look forward to hearing more.
    I'll be playing Sims 3 while your gone.

    Enjoy yourself and work hard. It is a wonderful opportunity for you and my ears are enjoying the rest. Between your time there and your Aunt Julie's holidays my ears have a chance to heal up.

    Love Dad, Mom and Mark

  8. Chelsey Weatherup really, :)
    heey girl, i hope your having the time of your life.
    i miss you tons, Africa sounds amamzing, and im happy your enjoying it.
    i just thought i would say hey, because you know, i am your sister and i love you SOOOO much.
    well i better go, just thought i would say something ;)
    xoxoxoxox <3
    kaarlie. :D <3

  9. Hi honey thought i would drop a quick note it is 12:30 here on wed.Raining of course i think it has rained since you left.So im glad your having some summer weather.Hope all is stillgoing well.I have let everyone know that you are loving it and doing well.Hope the trip too the village was fun.Well must go for now take care honey and have a good rest of your first week.Love you lots and we miss you tons oxoxox.Bye for now and say hi to the rest of the gang.

  10. Hey Meg and Alexas, hope today is as great as the first few were. Don't get too homesick cause yu have got a month too go. Everyone keeps asking if you guys are okay and I say, last I heard you were nothing exciting going on except that its Karaoke tommorrow my only fun...Won't be the same without you 2 and jack but we will try too make for your absence anyway hope all is well and you are gaining an understanding of different cultures and lifestyles and of how lucky we really are love you talk too you in a few days. MOM
